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Acting for Justice Ministries

The Peace Church community has a vital commitment to working for justice. There are various teams working in a number of different areas, and these teams work together so that there is more collaboration in our efforts. We meet as the hub of a wheel that is moving into the world and acting for justice.

The following efforts represent the spokes of the wheel that are tied into the core of our values as a Christian community as well connecting us to efforts in healing and repairing God’s world.

Justice Ministry Teams & Opportunities

Rev. Arthur Foy Scholarship for High School Seniors

In 2004 Reverend Arthur Foy III died in a tragic car accident. In an effort to continue the important work he did here in Duluth where he served as pastor of St. Mark AME church, a scholarship fund was established in his name for students of color. Reverend Foy saw education as a crucial step out of poverty and worked hard to make it more accessible for all. Each year the Foy Scholarship Fund awards $1000 to at least one student of color from our community to continue his/her education in a post-high school institution.


Reverend Foy’s vision of academic success for all youth stemmed from his belief that it’s not where you’re from, but where you’re going in life that’s important. Peace Church and St. Mark AME work together to keep this scholarship going. An annual celebration is held at St. Mark AME each June to award the scholarship. Learn more about this scholarship.

Acting for Justice Opportunities

Besides joining a team, there are various opportunities for getting involved in the community.
For more information on getting started with one of these, please contact the church office.

- Damiano Center Soup Kitchen: Prepare and serve food the second Sunday and fourth Saturday of the month.


- Loaves and Fishes - Dorothy Day House: Prepare and deliver a meal for 12-15 people on a Monday evening.


- Wednesday morning breakfast: Help to prepare pancakes and other food every other Wednesday for the CHUM Drop-In Center at 9am.


- Community Garden: Help raise vegetables for CHUM in the garden behind Peace.


- Provide rides for people needing transportation to church.

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