Our Leadership & Staff
Corinne Freedman Ellis
Lead Pastor​
Corinne Freedman Ellis is a UCC minister who has served congregations in Des Moines, IA and St. Paul, MN before arriving at Peace UCC in January 2024. She graduated from Yale Divinity School in 2014 with a Master of Divinity. Corinne was part of the Next Generation Leadership Program (NGLI) of the UCC, where she received continuing education in family systems theory, adaptive leadership, teambuilding, and facilitation. She is passionate about worship that engages all ages, Biblical literacy for progressive Christians, and our call to do justice in our community and the world. Corinne lives in Duluth with her spouse, Greg, and their two young children, Phoebe and Ori.
Amanda McElray Hunter
Children, Youth, and Small Group Coordinator
Amanda McElray Hunter is committed to helping children, youth and small groups develop tools that will help them to build and sustain spiritual resiliency and joy in a complex world. Ingredients in this “resiliency recipe” include intergenerational relationship building, service to our community, justice work, spiritual and creative practices, developing a better understanding of the stories in the Bible, having fun and eating snacks!
Amanda is also a visual artist and works with the local arts community in creating public art initiatives. She graduated in 2010 from United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities with a master’s degree in Theology and the Arts. Amanda is Mom to Siggy and Kieran and partner to Matt.
Jim Pospisil
Music Director
Jim Pospisil has been the music director at Peace since 1997. He has been Principal Horn of the Duluth-Superior Symphony Orchestra since 1996. Jim also is a rock and jazz musician, a faculty member of the music department at UMD, and a member of A Band Called Truman. He received his Bachelor’s Degree from Wichita State University, and his Master’s Degree from Indiana University. Jim has two children, Daniel and Neve.
Briana Dornbush
Office Coordinator
A true born Duluthian, Bri grew up in this neighborhood going to Grant Elementary School and would go to 8th St. Video almost every weekend for an ice cream cone. She has known of Peace Church and what it stands for and what it does for its community, and is very happy to be part of the team.
Rachel Obed
Business Manager
Rachel grew up in Duluth, graduated from UMD, and now owns a house here with her partner, Devan, and their two cats, Maple and Fern. She spends her free time working on house renovation projects, gardening, cooking, and hiking. At Peace Church, Rachel works closely with the Property Team, Finance Committee, HR Committee, Rental Space Team, Tech Team, and with groups using our building.
Mali Lorenz
Mali was aware of Peace Church since involvement in local peace & justice work 20+ years ago. Then she moved to a dharma retreat center in the Southwest and stumbled upon bookkeeping skills, which were put to use at other organizations and small businesses, including at a border-justice organization in Tucson. Mali met her spouse Katie in that community. They moved (back) to Duluth with two cats in ’22, partly to be near family. They enjoy exploring the northlands and its multitude of festivals on foot and via roadtrip, and making new friends here.
Dan Shepard
Dan Shepard has been a member of the Peace Church staff since 2006, taking great care of the building. He lives in Lakeside with his lovely wife Lisa and two boys, Jack and Parker. When not working he enjoys going on trips with his family and exploring the new areas they travel to.
Alex Nelson
Worship Technician
Alex is a lifelong resident of Duluth. Along with being Peace's A/V technician, Alex is an active Freemason and Shriner. He served as Master of Superior Lodge #236 across the bridge in Superior, Wisconsin in 2022. Currently, he's the Vice President of Aad Shrine's Dune Buggy Patrol and a Potentate's Aid. Additionally, he's a member of the Eau Claire Valley of Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. Alex is also a part-time photographer. He lives with his fiance Rachel here in Duluth, where they love to spend time by Lake Superior, cook together, and go see live music.
Carrie Kelsey
Kitchen Manager​
Carrie joined Peace in November 2022 and you may have seen her singing in the choir, playing the fiddle, and volunteering at soup suppers. She has broad food service experience, including working at the Marshall School and Mount Royal Market. Carrie has creative ideas for how to accommodate dietary needs, involve our Stepping On Up residents, and build community through Wednesday night meals.