You are Welcome at Peace Church!
We are a diverse congregation. Young and old, single and married, liberal and conservative - All are welcome at Peace United Church of Christ (UCC).
The UCC style emphasizes openness to new ideas, intellectual integrity, and acceptance of diversity. We believe that Christianity is not simply a doctrine to be accepted, but a life to be lived, a faith to be expressed and celebrated.
In keeping with these, Peace Church is dedicated to the pursuit of social justice, reaching out to persons in need.
- Do you want a church community that is open to all who wish to come together to worship God?
- Do you seek to be a follower of Jesus and live out his teachings of justice and grace?
- Do you take the Bible seriously, but not always literally?
- Are you looking for meaningful ways to serve God and others in the church, community, and world?
- Would you like a church where kids and youth are a visible and vital part of the community?
- Do you believe God is still speaking?
If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, Peace may be a good fit for you!
Church Membership
We welcome all who are interested in learning more about Peace Church - what we believe, how we interact in the community, and how we’re structured - to join us for orientation sessions. We have these gatherings three times a year. Each time there are two consecutive sessions, on Sundays after the 10:30 service. It’s a wonderful opportunity to meet people and ask questions in a smaller setting. People interested in joining Peace are encouraged to attend both sessions, but it is not mandatory. New members are received into the church on a Sunday soon after the orientation sessions.
For more information, and to find out the dates of the next sessions, contact the church office.
What to expect at Peace
Wear what you want and sit where you like. If you have any questions at all, you can speak to one of the ushers, who are indicated by their name tags.
We strive to create an environment that is accessible to as many people as possible. Worship services typically have an ASL interpreter and other accessibility info.
Everyone is welcome to take communion. Communion is served every Sunday at the 8:30am service and on the first Sunday of month at the 10:30am service. We use grape juice and offer a gluten-free bread alternative for those with sensitivities.
We have two nurseries, providing care for newborn to 5 year old children. Our nurseries are staffed by a paid nursery care provider and church volunteers. Care is provided from 10am-11:30am every Sunday.
Peace Church has exceptionally eclectic music during the worship services, from choirs to rock bands to brass quartets. The hymnals use inclusive and expansive language and reflect a diversity of Christian traditions.
Children of all ages are welcome in the worship service, where there is a dedicated children’s time. Activity books and bags can be found on the table in the narthex.
Coffee Hour
Every Sunday there is a coffee hour where we hope you will join us for cookies and coffee. The coffee hour is often held after both services.