Dismantling Racism
The Dismantling Racism team gathers monthly for discussion and education about racial justice. In addition to our own learning, we plan events for the congregation that increase awareness of white privilege and empower members to support racial justice in the Twin Ports communities. We foster our congregation’s relationships with organizations led by Duluth’s BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color) community.
We partner with St. Mark AME and Duluth Branch NAACP for MLK Day events. We provide ongoing support of the Rev. Arthur Foy Scholarship for students of color. Learn more about this scholarship. The team has worked with Duluth’s Indigenous leaders on a community yurt project and provided our congregation with forums on the Doctrine of Discovery. In 2020, Peace members read A Good Time for Telling the Truth and in March of 2022, John Lewis’ book, March Book One.
If you are curious about this work or seeking answers yourself about dismantling racism, please join us. We meet monthly. For more information, contact the church office or any of the pastoral team.
Mission Statement
The Dismantling Racism Team of Peace United Church of Christ seeks:
To encourage, strengthen and make visible the high priority on social justice in all aspects of the congregational life of Peace UCC.
To offer educational opportunities that further our understanding of white privilege and systemic racism, throughout Peace UCC and in the wider community.
To foster support for issues and events that are especially important to, or particularly impact, communities of color; when needed and requested, to offer leadership.
To foster relationships between Peace UCC and communities of color in Duluth, especially, but not limited to, collaboration with St. Mark AME Church.
To make Peace UCC’s resources available to the wider community for the work of confronting racism and advocating for racial equality.
To collaborate with other congregations/communities of faith and organizations to more effectively address issues of racism.
Adopted November 2018