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Donate Now

Do you love what you experience at Peace Church? Making a financial contribution to Peace, in any amount, not only helps keep the lights on and staff paid, but is also an important and valuable investment in the work we do as God's people in the Duluth community.

Giving electronically is easy! Contact our Bookkeeper, Mali Lorenz, if you need assistance.
Thanks for helping make Peace happen!


Donate online with your bank account, debit card, or credit card.

You can make an immediate one-time donation without creating an account.

Or you can create and login to your account to manage your recurring donations.

Paper Vanco Authorization Form


Mail a check to:

Peace United Church of Christ

1111 N 11th Ave E

Duluth, MN 55805

Or bring cash or a check to the church during worship services or office hours.


If you're interested in making an ongoing financial commitment to Peace Church, you can fill out a financial commitment form.

This is a very helpful planning tool as we prepare our annual budget!

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