Children & Youth
Youth and children are a central part of the vitality of our community. At Peace Church, there are regular weekly options as well as annual opportunities for kids of all ages to connect, learn, and grow in their spiritual journeys.
Seasonal Events
Many different programming opportunities for kids and families are scheduled seasonally at Peace. Events and opportunities vary, but may include movie and pizza nights, family campfires, bowling or other family outings. A few events reoccur annually, including VBS, the Halloween carnival, the Advent Family Fun Day, and the Easter Egg Hunt.
Kids from birth through 5th grade
Middle School Youth (6th-8th grade)
High School (9th-12th grade)
The PK (Prioritizing Kids) Fund
The PK (Prioritizing Kids) Fund was created in 2020 as part of a celebration of the ministry of Rev. Kathryn Nelson in honor of her nearly 30 years of dedicated service to Peace Church. Recognizing that children and youth were and are a major focus of Peace Church life, the PK Fund will be available to support activities, collaborations, or innovations that will provide opportunities and experiences for children and youth to enhance their understanding of our church’s mission and vision of the world.
PK Fund priorities:
- Peace Church Kids Day Camp (Vacation Bible School or Peace Village)
- Peace Church Youth Service Learning Trips
- Rev. Arthur Foy Scholarship
- Youth Leadership Development (Graduation Gifts, Confirmation, Internships, Conferences, Learning Opportunities, etc.)
Peace Church folks interested in funds related to any of these priorities are asked to work with the Children, Youth, & Small Group Coordinator for access to an online request for funds.